The research investigated the risk attitude, of farmers in Kebbi State, Nigeria, with the aim of generating reliableinformation on the influence of risk attitudes of the decision-making behaviour of farmers. Agriculturalproduction is highly characterized by risks for this reason, farmers’ attitudes towards risk is imperative inunderstanding their behaviour towards the adoption of new technology and managerial decisions. The techniqueapplied in order to achieve the objectives of the study was Experimental Gambling Approach. Data to conductthe research was obtained mainly from primary sources through a questionnaire survey of 256 farmers,comprising 98 monocroppers and 158 intercroppers. The results from the study revealed that all the farmersexhibit some level of risk aversion. The intercroppers were statistically significantly more risk-averse than themonocroppers. Risk attitude influences the decisions farmers make in the production process and should beconsidered when formulating agricultural policies.