Data Science

Taking Treatment Effects Analysis and Visualisation to Higher Levels with R

Introduction This blog is a new function, treatment_model that have been added to the Dyn4cast package. The function provides means for enhanced estimation of propensity score and treatments effects from randomized controlled designed experiments. Observational study involves the evaluation of outcomes of participants not randomly assigned treatments or exposures. To be able to assess the effects of the outcome, the participants are matched using propensity scores (PSM). This then enables the determination of the effects of the treatments on those treated against those who were not treated.

Global movement of Happiness ladder with Machine learning in R

Introduction This blog is about world happiness ladder using the world happiness report data sets (Helliwell et. al., 2024). The basic objective is to demonstrate the use of panel data which is quite distinct from cross-sectional or time series data. Global happiness ladder Cross-sectional happiness ladder for 2023 Fixed time, it is cross-sectional Times series vs. panel data visualisation Each line is a timeseries but together, it is panel data

Reveal the stories behind those Likert-type data

Introduction This blog is about two new functions, Model_factors and garrett_ranking that have been added to the Dyn4cast package. The two functions provides means for gaining deeper insights into the meaning behind Likert-type variables collected from respondents. Garrett ranking provides the ranks of the observations of the variables based on the level of seriousness attached to it by the respondents. On the other hand, Model factors determines and retrieve the latent factors inherent in such data which now becomes continuous data.