
Frequency of occurrence of COVID-19 cases across Nigeria

Introduction In the 933 days since the first COVID-19 case was reported on February 29, 2020 in Nigeria, about 267,511 cases have been recorded with 1.18% fatalities. Except for Kogi State which Government refused monitoring laboratories to be setup in her health facilities for confirming and managing COVID-19, cases have been recorded on regular basis in the other 35 states and Abuja, the Federal Capital. However, the frequency of cases vary from state to state.

Modelling of COVID-19 distribution in Nigeria

Load library and the data The data is scrapped from the website of the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) i.e (NCDC 2020). The scrapping was done with some bits of tricks. Please see my post on that. The BREAKS were established from the visual inspection of the data (see (Nmadu, Yisa, and Mohammed 2009)) library(tidyverse) library(splines) library(Metrics) library(scales) library(readxl) library(patchwork) library(Dyn4cast) BREAKS <- c(70, 131, 173, 228, 274, 326) z.

Time-varying estimation of machine learning models and their forecasts

Introduction The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic really put everyone in confusion and as the days, weeks went-by, everyone was trying to understand the trend and the direction of the incidence. While the medicals were in their labs trying to understand the anatomy of the various, various statisticians and data scientists were trying to model the trend so as to guide future actions and preparations. One of the early models was done for Australia by (Krispin and Byrnes 2020).

African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA):Potential Welfare Effects and Impacts on Nigerian Farmers

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is a platform created to increase intra-trade and ease movement of persons and goods across borders within Africa as well as promote economic welfare and wellbeing of member states. Nigeria being a …

Nigeria's Economic Management:Reflections Through Monthly Inflation Rate Movement From 1996 to 2020 and Beyond

Economic management is the rules, policies, procedures and skills deployed to manage the resources, finances, income, and expenditure of a community, business enterprise or a whole country. The major instruments of economic management are the fiscal …

Comparative analysis of the profitability of maize and sorghum based cropping enterprises in Niger State, Nigeria


Cost efficiency of sorghum/cowpea intercropping system in Kebbi State, Nigeria


The rapid transformation of the fish value chain in Nigeria: evidence from Niger State

This study presents the results from a meso-inventory with a recall over 10 years of numbers of actors of different size strata in the fish value chain segments in Niger State, Northern Nigeria. It was conducted between March and July 2018. We …

Agriculture's share in Nigerian GDP:short and long-term effects of climate change and arable land availability

This study investigated the relationship between the share of agriculture in GDP and some socio-economic and climate variables using ARMA, ARDL and structural change estimation in R. The data, covering the period 1960-2016, were obtained from various …

Determinants of climate change adaptation strategies of yam producers in Niger State, Nigeria

The associated impacts of climate change affects availability of soil water, plant growth and productivity. Thus, understanding farmers' response and the factors influencing adaptation measures used will help in designing more appropriate coping …